Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Website Launch

The website launch went wonderfully!  The event planning committee did an amazing job.

I am proud to present the Hiram Wilson project website: http://www.uwo.ca/huron/promisedland/wilson/

Our class would  like to thank the Huron History Society for their help organizing the event and for helping invite Dr. Roland Baumann, Archivist Emeritus at Oberlin College.  Dr. Baumann gave a wonderfully put together talk about the anti-slavery movement, Hiram Wilson, and the historian's craft (clearly playing into all the themes of our class nicely).

I would once again like to thank all those involved with the website and those who helped make the project possible.

Congratulations History 3801E!

1 comment:

  1. I am pleased to see that someone has worked to tell the story of the Dawn Settlement and Hiram Wilson for the public. Thank you for your work.

    I believe that I am working on a small part of this big story from a different angle--the same people at Oberlin and in the religious communities which supported Hiram Wilson also supported the Red Lake Mission in northern Minnesota. This outreach to Ojibwe Indians was the product of the same kinds of benevolent sentiment which created the support for the Canadian mission. The Red Lake Mission, the Canadian mission, the Amistad-Mendi mission, and a Jamaica mission were consolidated in order to found the Am. Missionary Assoc. (AMA) which went on to also work with freedmen in the American South during and after the Civil War.

    The AMA activities and the many courageous people who supported them is a story that needs more telling. Thanks for getting the ball rolling.

    If anyone has discovered any connections between the Hiram Wilson story and Alonzo Barnard, John "J.P." Bardwell, or Wm. Lewis I would appreciate being contacted. As students in Ohio I believe they were involved with former slaves in Canada and/or Ohio.

    Linda Louise Bryan
    1752 Gulden Place
    Maplewood MN 55109
